Community Program
Nama : Alvin Theodora
NIM : 1801428434
NIM : 1801428434
Isi Laporan :
After we visited to Ayam Bakar Cirebon last week, we came back to the place again for the second time in the next week.
Between that week, I and my partner are discussing and making social media for the restaurant. We are going to help them to promote their products from the social media itself. And we have decided to create 2 different kinds of social media, the first social media is Twitter(@KumisAyam). We’ve chosen twitter for our first social media because it is simple to use even for new people and also most of the Indonesian people are using twitter.
Second, the social media we are using is Instagram(@KumisAyam), we have chosen instagram as our second media because it shares pictures so, people can know what they are selling and of course many Indonesian people are still using this social media.
After making the social media, we explain to them what is social media and how does it work. They are a little bit confused on how to use it at first, but we try to explain and maintain it for promoting the restaurant.